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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

When this sign appears, know that you will get cancer

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Cancer often goes undiagnosed until it has progressed in many people, in large part because of the vagueness of symptoms. And according to a medical report published by the British newspaper “Express”, quoting experts, there is a warning sign that may indicate a disease that appears upon awakening in the morning, which is the feeling of sore throat for more than two weeks.

The key to surviving cancer is early detection. And if cancer cells are left behind, they multiply and spread to nearby areas of the body, and dealing with symptoms as soon as they appear provides an opportunity to stop this process.
Unfortunately, symptoms of cancer can be either non-existent or too subtle to be noticed at first, however any physical changes that are out of the ordinary should be checked out by a medical professional.

“Express” quoted Abbas Kanani, a pharmacist at Chemist Click, as saying that the way you wake up in the morning can be a big red flag, and he cautioned that waking up with a sore throat that has persisted for more than two weeks with no signs of improvement is an alarming sign, and the same thing. It applies to coughing.

He continued, "Smokers often wake up with a cough in the morning. However, a persistent cough for longer than two weeks should be checked. Especially if you are a smoker."
He pointed out that another tell-tale sign is tiredness throughout the day, adding: "It's normal to feel a little tired in the morning, but if this is not usual for you or if you notice constant fatigue throughout the day, you should investigate the cause."

He noted that fatigue is particularly worrisome if it is accompanied by other worrisome signs, such as finding a wet bed from sweat, weight loss, bruising, unusual swelling or changes in stool and urine.
Cancer Research UK explains that not smoking is the biggest thing you can do to reduce your risk of cancer, pointing out that the chemicals in cigarette smoke enter our bloodstream and can cause damage to the body. And if you smoke, the best thing you can do for your health is to quit.
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