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Monday, February 28, 2022

He wanted to take his father to the nursing home, Get to know what happened

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There was an old man who lived in the same house with his son, because his wife had died, and this old man had a grandson who loved him very much. The old man always told him that it was necessary to honor parents and that he had to obey his parents, because that is good manners and it is one of the virtues that God Almighty and His Noble Prophet commanded us. God bless him.

The daughter-in-law was caring for him with love and attention, but after a period of time she became tired and exhausted, in addition to the fact that her father-in-law had Alzheimer’s disease and therefore he was very forgetful, which made her very embarrassed in front of her family and friends, so the wife asked the husband to take His father went to the nursing home and she convinced him of this, as she told him: In the nursing home he will receive the care he needs in addition to that he will make many friendships with other people of his age, but despite that the son did not agree to that.

After a short time, the wife's complaint was repeated about the situations that occur and about her fatigue because of her husband's father, which made the son agree to go with his father to the nursing home in order to please his wife, and although the son's heart was squeezed from pain and sadness because of that, he He saw that this was the only way to end the conflict between him and his wife, and while the son was collecting his father's needs in preparation for taking him to the nursing home, he saw something strange. a little.

And here the son asked his young son, what are you doing, son? The young son said to his father, “I want to take a piece of this mattress, my father.” He said: “Why do you want this piece of bed, and what are you going to do with it?” The young son replied: I want to prepare this piece because when I grow up I will take you to the nursing home as you will do with my grandfather. .
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