Not only depression “other diseases that may affect you from sleeping too much”
Not only depression “other diseases that may affect you from sleeping too much”
Break Team
Wednesday, 23 February 2022 | 12:8 AM
The human body needs a sufficient number of hours of sleep in order to feel comfortable and relaxed. For the functions of the body to work to the fullest. But excessive sleep may have adverse effects on health. So what are the disadvantages of sleeping too much?The disadvantages of sleeping too much
Cardiovascular disease
Excessive sleep can negatively affect the health of the circulatory system, and it has been shown that women getting between 9 and 11 hours of sleep at night may increase the chances of coronary heart disease.
Various psychological disorders
Too much or too little sleep may cause a range of different mental disorders, here is a list of the most important onesDepression
However, it should be noted that the link between depression and excessive sleep is still a matter of debate.
Too much or too little sleep may cause anxiety in some people. It has also been shown that having chronic insomnia may increase the chances of developing anxiety.
Problems with comprehension and concentration
Too much sleep can accelerate brain aging and reduce the ability to perform some tasks with usual efficiency, even simple tasks.
Other mental disorders
Also, lack of sleep may push a person to some unhealthy or dangerous practices, such as: suicide attempt, illegal drug use or some types of medication.
Headache and back pain
Sleeping a lot can stimulate the feeling of different pains in the body or increase the severity of the pain already present in the patient.
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