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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

7 students in prison and the last execution “North Korea sanctions for watching Squid Game”

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Not everything you enjoy will be the same for others, and if you think that those who played in the “Squid Game” series are the only victims because of the game, you should know that those who watched it also became victims.

North Korea issued a statement warning its citizens not to watch the famous series "Squid Game" as soon as it spreads, noting that violators of the decision will face the death penalty.

According to Radio Free Asia, a Korean man who sold the "squid game", which was banned from display in his country, was sentenced to death by firing squad, which terrified the Korean people.

And that man was not the last to be punished for this reason, as a high school student who bought a USB containing the serial had previously been sentenced to life imprisonment.

Six high school students were also sentenced to 5 years in prison with flat work for watching the series, and the teachers supervising these students and the school director were dismissed.

A North Korean source told RFA that it all started last week when a high school student secretly bought a USB flash drive. Contains and watch the South Korean drama Squid Game. He told many other students. Those who took an interest in the matter, and shared the series with their friends, and the students were arrested by government censorship after reporting them.

North Korea penalizes the distribution or viewing of media from capitalist countries such as South Korea and the United States. Under its law, but it is the first time that penalties are imposed on minors.
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