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Saturday, March 5, 2022

The dangers that you don't know about wearing high heels shoes

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Many girls prefer to wear high heels, but are you fully aware of the health risks associated with wearing these shoes? Learn with us about the side effects of wearing this type of shoes.

 Side effects of wearing high-heeled shoes

1. Low back pain

High heels of course give a decent look to a woman, making her elegant and sexy. But it does not provide full support for your feet. It causes uneven weight distribution, which can lead to soreness, inflammation and pain in the lower back.

2. Foot pain

High-heeled shoes have a particular shape and design that looks fashionable. After a long day on your feet in those uncomfortable shoes, you're more likely to have foot pain. You may feel a sharp pain in your toes, sole, arch or heel

3. Ankle sprain

A pair of high heels can add glamor to your wardrobe. You can only wear high heels if you are walking on flat surfaces. Potholes, bumps, and cobblestones can be waiting for you to slip and twist your ankle. Aside from a sprained ankle, a fall like this can also lead to a broken ankle and bruising to the elbows and knees.

4. Constricts blood vessels

High heels usually make the feet appear taller and thinner. The shape of the shoe compresses the foot into a position that's certainly not natural, but it is comfortable. However, the pressure on your feet can restrict blood flow. In extreme cases, it may cause a blood vessel to rupture.

5. Crooked feet

Hammer toe is one of the most dangerous side effects of high heels on the feet. An abnormal position of the foot and pressure on the calves, blood vessels, and back leads to a deformity of the foot called hammer toe.

6. It weakens the ligaments

High heels weaken the ligaments. You should skip glamorous shoes to protect your feet from any injury.

7. Knee pain

Improper bending of the leg while wearing it puts severe pressure on the knee joint. It often leads to osteoporosis in people

8. Toe hyperextension

Another harmful effect of wearing it all the time is that it pinches your toe into a condition that leads to permanent hyperextension.
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