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Monday, February 21, 2022

Russia makes new computers against hacking

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The Russian company Promobit announced the development of new laptops equipped with technologies that protect its data from hacking.

"Our experts have worked to develop new laptops equipped with Russian-made Baikal-M processors, these devices have aroused clear interest among Russian companies and government organizations as they will have excellent data protection against cyber attacks and will make it difficult to penetrate networks in enterprises," a statement from the company's press service said.

The statement added, "The new devices have obtained slim and lightweight structures that are comparable to those of the best foreign computers, and their components provide all the necessary technologies to provide excellent performance, so some of them will be exported to countries and foreign customers. We expect that about 60% of the devices we produce in 2022 will go to the authorities." And Russian institutions, and these institutions may get about 70% of the machines that will be produced next year.”

It should be noted that the Russian Baikal-M processors installed in the new computers were specially developed to provide high levels of data protection, and were equipped with cores with a frequency of up to 1.5 GHz, and were designed to work with various types of computers and electronic devices, including banking ATMs as well as computers that are used in establishments. industrial.

Source : 3dnews
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